About Us

About Us

See our company history

Since 2018 OVEC has positioned itself to become a leading engineering solutions provider in East Africa and SADEC Region. Over the last 5 years, OVEC has evolved from a regional welding company into a recognized telecom and power engineering technology solutions provider in East Africa, Having its Headquarters in Tanzania Capital city Dodoma and employing over 60 people in the region. Now OVEC specialized on engineering services in the fields of power generation technologies, telecommunication, and civil works making service delivery more effective and efficient. Now CRB class 2 in the field of ICT, Telecommunication and security services and CRB class 5 in the field of civil works contractors and Electrical works contractors


To be the leading engineering service provider in the field of Telecommunication, Electrical works, civil works and Power generation technologies in East African and SADEC region.

Our Mission

Adding palpable long-term value to our shareholders, employees and customers through continuous commitment to management processes and excellence in delivery

What We Do

Our Services

  1. Telecom Implementation and Commissioning ( RF & TX)
  2. Radio Network Implementation
  3. Civil Works (Site building, fiber installations and maintenance)
  4. Warehousing
  5. Electrical and Mechanical Services
  6. Fuel efficient Power Generator